Nuttige adressen
Belgische ambassade
Limuru Road (Muthaïga)
P.O. Box 30 461 Nairobi
tel. 020 - 52 20 11
fax 020 - 52 30 50
[email protected]
Limuru Road (Muthaïga)
P.O. Box 30 461 Nairobi
tel. 020 - 52 20 11
fax 020 - 52 30 50
[email protected]
Nederlandse ambassade
Riverside Lane (Riverside Drive)
P.O. Box 41 537 00100 Nairobi
tel. 020 - 428 8000
fax 020 - 444 7416
[email protected] Belgisch consulaat Ganjoni Clinic (tegenover Mombasa Sports Club) P.O. Box 91 276 Mombasa tel. 041 - 22 62 49 fax 041 - 47 40 55 Nederlands consulaat Maersk Kenya Ltd Archbishop Makarios Rd (1e verd.) P.O. Box 80 301 Mombasa tel. 041 - 231 4190 fax 041 - 222 6758 Embassy of the Republic of Kenya Winston Churchilllaan 208 1180 Ukkel tel. 02 - 34 01 040 fax 02 - 34 01 050 [email protected] Embassy of the Republic of Kenya Nieuwe Parklaan 21 2597 LA Den Haag tel. 070 - 35 04 215 fax ?070 - 35 53 594 [email protected] Kenya Tourist Board Travel Marketing Company Leliegracht 20 1015 DG Amsterdam tel. 020 - 63 84 661 / 67 05 211 fax ?020 - 67 05 357 [email protected] Kenya Tourist Board Kenya-Re Towers Ragati Road P.O. Box 30 630 00100 Nairobi, Kenya tel. 00254 20 - 271 1262 fax ?00254 20 - 271 9925 [email protected] Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife Utali House, Uhuru Highway P.O. Box 30 027 Nairobi, Kenya tel. 00254 20 - 333 555 fax 00254 20 - 318 045 [email protected] Eldoret P.O. Box 203 2086 tel. 00254 53 - 206 2985 [email protected] Kisumu [email protected] Lamu tel. 00254 42 - 633 132 [email protected] P.O. Box 80 091 Mombasa tel. 00254 41 231 - 5959 [email protected] Malindi P.O. Box 421 tel. 00254 42 - 20 689 [email protected] Nakuru [email protected] Nyeri [email protected] Kenya Association of Tour Operators P.O. Box 48 461 Nairobi, Kenya tel. 00254 20 - 271 33 48 fax ?00254 20 - 271 92 26 [email protected]
Riverside Lane (Riverside Drive)
P.O. Box 41 537 00100 Nairobi
tel. 020 - 428 8000
fax 020 - 444 7416
[email protected] Belgisch consulaat Ganjoni Clinic (tegenover Mombasa Sports Club) P.O. Box 91 276 Mombasa tel. 041 - 22 62 49 fax 041 - 47 40 55 Nederlands consulaat Maersk Kenya Ltd Archbishop Makarios Rd (1e verd.) P.O. Box 80 301 Mombasa tel. 041 - 231 4190 fax 041 - 222 6758 Embassy of the Republic of Kenya Winston Churchilllaan 208 1180 Ukkel tel. 02 - 34 01 040 fax 02 - 34 01 050 [email protected] Embassy of the Republic of Kenya Nieuwe Parklaan 21 2597 LA Den Haag tel. 070 - 35 04 215 fax ?070 - 35 53 594 [email protected] Kenya Tourist Board Travel Marketing Company Leliegracht 20 1015 DG Amsterdam tel. 020 - 63 84 661 / 67 05 211 fax ?020 - 67 05 357 [email protected] Kenya Tourist Board Kenya-Re Towers Ragati Road P.O. Box 30 630 00100 Nairobi, Kenya tel. 00254 20 - 271 1262 fax ?00254 20 - 271 9925 [email protected] Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife Utali House, Uhuru Highway P.O. Box 30 027 Nairobi, Kenya tel. 00254 20 - 333 555 fax 00254 20 - 318 045 [email protected] Eldoret P.O. Box 203 2086 tel. 00254 53 - 206 2985 [email protected] Kisumu [email protected] Lamu tel. 00254 42 - 633 132 [email protected] P.O. Box 80 091 Mombasa tel. 00254 41 231 - 5959 [email protected] Malindi P.O. Box 421 tel. 00254 42 - 20 689 [email protected] Nakuru [email protected] Nyeri [email protected] Kenya Association of Tour Operators P.O. Box 48 461 Nairobi, Kenya tel. 00254 20 - 271 33 48 fax ?00254 20 - 271 92 26 [email protected]
Praktische informatie
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- Vervoersmogelijkheden naar Kenia
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